Otahnagon Lodge Chapters
There are 4 chapters in Otahnagon Lodge representing the four districts of Baden Powell Council. The purpose of a chapter within the Order of the Arrow is to allow Arrowmen from each council district to come together for training, service, and fellowship. Chapters are an excellent way for Arrowmen to come together and share their knowledge and leadership with other members. Like patrols within a Troop the Chapter can and often plan its own activities around the needs of the Chapter. They also carry out vital duties on behalf of the Lodge. Such activities include local unit elections, service project support, communications between the Lodge and Units (and vice versa). The chapter is run very much like the Lodge. There is a Chapter Chief and Chapter Advisor who help to direct and lead the Chapter meetings and events. They also sit on the Lodge Executive Committee and act as a voice for all the Arrowmen in the Chapter. This is the best place for young Arrowmen to start getting involved with the Lodge. Chapters meet on the same night and location as the District Round Tables.
Below is a list of our current Chapter Officers, Advisers, Meeting Times and Locations. Come and meet new friends and expand your scouting experience.
Naxiyoke Chapter
Ochenang Chapter
Tatchen Chapter:
Ka-Na-Kon Chapter:
Below is a list of our current Chapter Officers, Advisers, Meeting Times and Locations. Come and meet new friends and expand your scouting experience.
Naxiyoke Chapter
- Hiawatha District
- Chapter Chief: Schyler Savage
- Chapter Vice Chief: Grady Heard
- Chapter Secretary: Arin Miller
- Chapter Advisor: Michael Martinez
- Meeting Location: Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Vestal, NY
- Meeting Date/Time: 1st Thursday of the month at 7 PM
Ochenang Chapter
- Chenango District
- Chapter Chief: VACANT
- Chapter Advisor: Daniel Todd
- Meeting Location: Currently
- Meeting Date/Time: 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00PM
Tatchen Chapter:
- Delahanna District
- Chapter Chief:
- Chapter Advisor: Cory Valentine
- Meeting Location: Currently Meeting with Naxiyoke.
- Meeting Date/Time: 1st Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM
Ka-Na-Kon Chapter:
- Taughannock District
- Chapter Chief: Logan Murphy
- Chapter Vice Chief: Cooper Burt
- Chapter Advisor: Ruth Keagle
- Meeting Location: Currently Virtual
- Meeting Time: 2nd Thursday of the month at 7pm