Meaning of Otahnagon
Name and Affiliation of the Lodge
A. The name of this lodge is Otahnagon, which means “Camp in the Pines”.
B. The lodge is affiliated with the Baden-Powell Council 368, Boy Scouts of America, and is under the supervision of the Council Executive Board and the administrative authority of the Scout Executive.
C. The totem of this lodge is a pine tree.
Brief History of the Lodge
The Lodge was originally chartered in 1940. Originally the Lodge name was Kiamesha but was changed sometime prior to 1950 to Otahnagon. With mergers due to the reorganization of the Boy Scouts of America another Gajuka Lodge #477 merged into Otahnagon in 1999. Gajuka Lodge was charted in 1975. It was made up of two other lodges that had merged together, Ah Wa Ge #477 and Chi Sigma #546. Ah Wa Ge Lodge was charted in 1952 and Chi Sigma Lodge in 1960.
Ah Wa Ge:
Totem: Native American
Meaning: "Where the valley is"
Chi Sigma:
Totem: Waterfall
Meaning: Greek Letters for Cheerful Service; Name of Pre-Existing Honor Society (Greek)
Totem: Waterfall
Meaning: "Long Crooked Lake"
Information taken from:
Lodge Executive Committee Members
Lodge Chief: Holden David
Vice Chief of Administration: Cooper Burt
Vice Chief of Inductions: Brennan Clune
Vice Chief of Program: Elijah Valentine
Secretary/Treasurer: Logan Murphy
Unit Elections Coordinator: Donavin Brown
Ceremonies Coordinator: Arin Miller
Membership Committee Chair: Connor Hayes
Activities Committee Chair: Sam Fink
Service Committee Chairs: Logan Billings and Aiden Howland
Ka-Na-Kon Chapter Chief: Brennan Clune
Naxiyoke Chapter Chief: Spencer Crowson
Immediate Past Lodge Chief: Damian Brown
Lodge Advisor: Rick Burt
Ka-Na-Kon Chapter Advisor: Ruth Keagle
Naxiyoke Chapter Advisor: Mike Martinez
Tatchen Chapter Advisor: Kristen Potter
Vice Chief of Administration: Cooper Burt
Vice Chief of Inductions: Brennan Clune
Vice Chief of Program: Elijah Valentine
Secretary/Treasurer: Logan Murphy
Unit Elections Coordinator: Donavin Brown
Ceremonies Coordinator: Arin Miller
Membership Committee Chair: Connor Hayes
Activities Committee Chair: Sam Fink
Service Committee Chairs: Logan Billings and Aiden Howland
Ka-Na-Kon Chapter Chief: Brennan Clune
Naxiyoke Chapter Chief: Spencer Crowson
Immediate Past Lodge Chief: Damian Brown
Lodge Advisor: Rick Burt
Ka-Na-Kon Chapter Advisor: Ruth Keagle
Naxiyoke Chapter Advisor: Mike Martinez
Tatchen Chapter Advisor: Kristen Potter